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Landing page of exostay mobile app

Exclusively Organized Stay
Digital Guest Experience
New Level of Convenience
Magic of Digital Hospitality
Delights for Modern Traveler
Unlock Limitless Possibilities
Automate Daily Tasks

Our AI-powered platform empowers self-service and automates repetitive tasks for enhancing guest experiences, increasing staff efficiency, and unlocking new ways for revenue growth.

Why digital?

Technology has changed the way we live, work, and travel, and with the widespread use of smartphones and the internet, guests expect to be able to access hotel services at their fingertips, anytime and anywhere.

Landing page of exostay mobile app


Experience faster check-in, seamless trip planning, easy complaint creation, room service requests, tracking, payments, real-time notification and more with just a few taps!

The platform at core uses modern technology to keep customer informed and engaged with the hotel.

Automate & Support

Digitally managing activities helps staff to organize efficiently, reducing errors, faster resolution and taking feedback for every action.

The platform plays a crucial role in work redirection, reducing repetitive task, workflow automation, handling communication and more to support staff in day-to-day operations.

360° View & Flexibility

Hotel management gains valuable insights about operations, frequent issues, customer feedback to improve & introduce new offerings.

Platform offers flexibility for future integrations including smart room, POS, PMS, marketing tools and more.

  • Guest accessing various hotel services at their fingertips
    Guest Experience

    Guests can conveniently access hotel services anytime and anywhere with just a few taps.

  • Staff can save time with automation and self-service option
    Operational Efficiency

    Digital automation & self-service option helps staff to serve more guests.

  • Get additional revenue by selling more add-ons

    Personalized offers can help in unlocking various ways to increase add-ons sale.

How it works?

Tech + Experience

A tech-enabled platform that provides hotel services based on the guest's lifecycle can keep guests informed and engaged, with minimal staff intervention, while supporting staff to offer a more hospitable experience.

Get in touch

Experience our innovative product in action